Arthur Machen and the panic charm of the uncanny

The new special issue of zothique, magazine of fantastic and "weird" literature published by Dagon Press, in its over 230 pages allows us to retrace the life and work of Arthur Machen, a Welsh writer who between the end of the XNUMXth century and the beginning of the XNUMXth was able to look beyond the "veil of reality" and reveal the essence of "Great God Panβ€œ, Establishing himself as one of the greatest authors of supernatural fiction of his time.

Coleridge and the case of the "Kubla Khan" dream vision

Β On the dream vision of Samuel T. Coleridge and the composition of "Kubla Khan", a poem left unfinished due to the sudden visit of the mysterious "person from Porlock": an illustrative literary case oflla "other" nature of the poetic inspiration on which, among others, Jorge Luis Borges and Fernando Pessoa have written.

Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, adventurer of the unconscious

Villiers's universe is frozen and delusional, even more so than Sade's: it's a world haunted by gothic but modernized ghosts, crossed by lightning whims of style. Defined by Verlaine "un poète absolu", revered by Mallarmé and placed by Baudelaire on the same level as Poe, Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam was one of the most iconic characters of French decadence and of the whole of the nineteenth century.

Jacques Bergier and "Magic Realism": a new paradigm for the atomic age

Recently translated into Italian by the types of Il Palindromo, "In praise of the Fantastic" by the French writer and journalist Jacques Bergier, best known for having written with Louis Pauwels "The morning of the wizards", provides an analysis of the work of some "magic writers" at the time unknown to the French-speaking public (including Tolkien, Machen and Stanislav Lem), aimed at defining a new paradigm for the XNUMXst century that can combine science and science fiction with the ontological category of the "sacred".